
Suresh Kumar

Full-stack developer


I've spent several years in my professional Web development career, working on both the front and back end, using technology like PHP, Laravel, Python, Flask, JavaScript, NodeJS, Angular and many other open-source tools.

Sometimes, I share my knowledge in the form of
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Recent Answers

Business Strategy

how do i make money online as a teenager with 10$ or less?

Suresh Kumar

Full-stack developer

If you've skills which can be monetizable then showcase a free demo to your friends & family members and inform them if they want this you can do it for them. Then you can expand the same strategy beyond to your friend & family members by using social tools like youtube, instagram, tiktok.

Business Coaching

Seeking Recommendations for a Business Consultant to Launch Virtual Assistance Agency

Suresh Kumar

Full-stack developer

This is out of my specility.. but, recently I listened this pod about "Hiring Your First Virtual Assistant: When, Where, and How to Do it Right" & maybe it'll help you. Link:

SaaS - Enterprise & SMB B2B

We are pivoting from selling a direct SaaS product to selling API access to our functionality. What should we keep in mind?

Suresh Kumar

Full-stack developer

Here are the few points I think you should keep in mind - how are you migrating from SAAS to API access business. Is it like one click & everything switch from SAAS to API access or it's chunk wise migration. I think, better approach should inform your clients first about this new process/method & allow them how they want to migrate or even they want to migrate or not? - Need to think about API scope, security, authentication etc - API speed & robustness - API pricing - API Versioning - Data Encryption - API rate limiting and throttling - API Input Validation and Sanitization - Caching - Load balancing - API Documentation - Logging & analytics - Terms of Service and Privacy Policy - Scalability

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Areas of Expertise

Software DevelopmentJavaScriptWeb ApplicationsPythonPHPLaravelWebsite DevelopmentFlaskNodejs