
Nailah Key

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I have worked in customer service and

Skills: talking to people
Problem solving

Others: very kind and considerate and love helping others

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Self Management

What are some strategies for removing toxic people out of your life? What if they are your own family?

Nailah Key

Helpful insights!

Honestly and most importantly, effectively removing toxic people out of your life is difficult. But not if you are doing it correctly. First scout your problem. Why is this person toxic? Brainstorm: What is the best way to distance myself? Put into action: have a plan and make it happen. No looking back and no regrets. Lastly, if its family you should alert others and make sure you are in the right lane, and if you are making the right choice by removing them out of your life. Then here are the steps you take. Step one: block on all social media and phone numbers. Step two: alert family that you are not going to associate with said person anymore. Step three: keep your foot down. Don't accept a shabby apology and forgive instantly. Lastly, you can forgive, but never forget what said person put you through with theirs actions, and or words This is all speaking with experience with cutting off family members. And remember, family is just a title for some people and can be removed very easily.

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