
Alvin Singh

Author. Entrepreneur. Technologist


I am a digital strategist and entrepreneur who has worked with non profits, museums, Fortune 500 and start ups. My work has included 2 mobile applications on both App Store and Google Play. Invested in a technology start up and written the book Manage Your Web.

Recent Answers


I have a self-funded prototype app, which experts say has massive potential. Shall I continue self funding or present it to investors?

Alvin Singh

Author. Entrepreneur. Technologist

I would stay self funded as long as possible. Then move to testing the prototype with customers. If you merge the results from experts and the customers then you have a high chance to presenting to investors and share the data. Im available to talk more and help in anyway possible.

Mobile applications

My IOS game app is lost in the sea of apps. How can I grab more attention and spike sales?

Alvin Singh

Author. Entrepreneur. Technologist

You can start by having a text to download sign up on your website. I use Link Texting. You can also create a landing page that can build a email listing so that you can send emails to people who are interested in your app features. Read a article by Kevin Kelly called 1,000 True Fans.

Mobile applications

How can I connect to mobile app publishers and marketers for customer development and usability interviews about app store optimization?

Alvin Singh

Author. Entrepreneur. Technologist

I would reach out to developers on LinkedIN or post a question on Quora. Or if you have specific needs I would be willing to set up a call and talk to you about app store optimization.

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Digital MarketingTechnologySocial Media MarketingEmail MarketingOnline MarketingMobile MarketingEducational TechnologyMobile applicationsMobile TechnologyEntrepreneurship Education