
Legal Advice

What software (API, plugin, etc.) should I use for my website to assist in complying with COPPA policies?

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David Favor

Fractional CTO

With WordPress this is fairly easy to handle both COPPA + FTC + Facebook (along with other Ad Network) requirements.

Write up your boilerplate text for all your disclosures.

Write a wp-cli script to inject all the various documents as individual named posts.

Some of my clients have me go one step more + actually generate a boilerplate footer with a menu of all these items.

Since this is in script form, you can also run it against any existing site + if... say... your TOS post is missing, then add it.

If you only have one Website, just search for COPPA boilerplates.

Answered over 7 years ago

Shaun Nestor

Content Marketing Advisor & Agency Consultant

It would be helpful to understand a bit more about the problem you're trying to solve.

You want this software/API/plugin/etc to audit your own website for COPPA compliance? You want user-generated content to comply?

I am happy to help, but additional details on what you're actually trying to solve are needed.


Answered over 7 years ago