


Does this idea already exist?

A platform connecting inventors and SMEs to manufacturers that are able to prototype and manufacture their products on a smaller scale. Aside from charging a % commission from each order placed what other adds on can I do to monetize the business?

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Dr. W

Family Court, Child Support, Personal Development

If this idea already exists, who thinks exactly like you? There's only one of you. You can make a nice profit while helping others make their dreams come true. New companies are created everyday worldwide. Let's discuss this further on a call. If you do nothing, how are you impacting the world?

Answered almost 4 years ago

Zac Moyle

Ecommerce Founder at The Moyle Company

Don't let something already existing stop you from starting. If you look closely, it's extremely rare that the very first of any idea goes on to be the most successful company.

Google wasn't the first search engine. Facebook wasn't the first social media network. Amazon wasn't the first online store.

The winner is the company that does it best. It's all about execution.

If you believe in the idea, and you believe in yourself, then go for it.

The most important thing is to start.

Answered almost 4 years ago

Anthony English

Impostor Syndrome Coach

The idea definitely does exist, and that's a good thing. It's much easier to start a service with a market that you know is there.

Rather than going commission-only, which puts all the risk on you, what if you were to help inventors and SMEs build a prototype and assess its market value.

Maybe they have an idea on a napkin, but have no way of knowing how to build it or why a manufacturer would invest in it.

Showing the path to market is very valuable for both the manufacturer and the inventor or SME.

Happy to explore this more, if you'd like to arrange a call with me.

Answered almost 4 years ago