Developer Evangelist at Nexmo, Twilio and DO
Kyle Hudson
API Professional, background in information security. Holds the following certs:
BSc Forensic and Computer Security, MCSE, MCSP, CCNA, CISSP, CEH
Mobile Technology
Developer Evangelist at Nexmo, Twilio and DO
Hello, If you could answer the following: 1) What country are you aiming at? 2) How many messages are you likely to be sending monthly? 3) Do you require inbound SMS? 4) Do you have technical expertise in-house? 5) What programming languages do you have available? Regards, Kyle
Social Media
Developer Evangelist at Nexmo, Twilio and DO
It depends on what you mean by inappropriate messages, do you mean swearing or messages that could offend. If you are just talking about profanity (swearing), you could put together a list and replace the words or even use an API such as
Areas of Expertise