
Douglas Craver

3 tech exits over 8 years.


An entrepreneur with a hyper-focus on hiring right, managing risk, and reducing waste for the startups/ESVs I work in, coach, advise and invest in. 3 tech exits, one in 2014, one in 2016, one in 2022 + too many failures to list.

Creating value by sharing my knowledge and building ventures with smart people. International experience working with founders and their startups from India to South Africa and in-between.

Recent Answers

Business Development

What would be the promising business model for 2021?

Douglas Craver

3 tech exits over 8 years.

Any business model that is sustainable through a pandemic is the only one I would consider. Make sure you start something that won't need bailed out by your government. And with cyber terrorism on the rise your systems better be as secure as possible.

Early-stage Startups

As a startup, is it better to find a way to pay for services (i.e. design) or trade equity for it?

Douglas Craver

3 tech exits over 8 years.

Pay. You'll only increase risk and waste by compensation with equity. Plus you cheapen your venture.

Early-stage Startups

Should I keep finding a co-founder or continue working on the startup?

Douglas Craver

3 tech exits over 8 years.

Continue working on your startup. Finding a co-founder is over rated and doesn't solve any problems. Believe in attraction vs increasing the risk and waste in your startup by looking for a co-founder.

Marketing Strategy

As a niche start-up, how do you price company related swag for your customers?

Douglas Craver

3 tech exits over 8 years.

What are you solving for by offering company related swag?

Business Strategy

Do I need a prototype to sell my app idea?

Douglas Craver

3 tech exits over 8 years.

Yes. Otherwise, you'll waste too much time trying to get your idea across. Speed is your friend.

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Areas of Expertise

Lean StartupsEntrepreneurCross-functional Team LeadershipEarly-stage StartupsAgile Project ManagementCulture BuildingTechnical RecruitingExit StrategiesStart-up OperationsOnboarding