
G. Scott

Author, Career Coach & Business Coach in Boston


By the numbers:
15 books published ● 105 verifiable reviews ● 261 days spent in silent meditation ● 30 advanced credentials ● 2 total knee replacements ● 1610 nights sleeping outside ● 11 muddy endurance races

Recent Answers


How do I include existing LinkedIn recommendations on my clarity profile?

G. Scott

Author, Career Coach & Business Coach in Boston

Currently (8/2019) you cannot. The LinkedIn connection is no longer working with Clarity. August 27 2019: I reached out to the Clarity Support Team because this impacts all Clarity Experts. Here is their response: "Apologies for the trouble on this one. Unfortunately due to a recent change in LinkedIn's policies, we won't be able to connect LinkedIn accounts for them as of now. We will notify in the near future for possible changes on this status but for now we do thank you for your patience on the matter. For now, one workaround would be to add a link of your LinkedIn account to your profile."


How can I connect my LinkedIn Profile to my Clarity Expert account?

G. Scott

Author, Career Coach & Business Coach in Boston

August 27 2019: I reached out to the Clarity Support Team because this impacts all Clarity Experts. Here is their response: "Apologies for the trouble on this one. Unfortunately due to a recent change in LinkedIn's policies, we won't be able to connect LinkedIn accounts for them as of now. We will notify in the near future for possible changes on this status but for now we do thank you for your patience on the matter. For now, one workaround would be to add a link of your LinkedIn account to your profile."

Landscape Construction

How do I take my landscaping business to the next level?

G. Scott

Author, Career Coach & Business Coach in Boston

Find a local BNI group in your area that has complementary professions (residential cleaning, interior design, security systems, realtor). BNI is a commitment and requires a significant investment to join. But for you it may be well worth it, especially if you tap into the trainings BNI offers. You will build your skills in everything from identifying potential clients (beyond "someone who needs landscaping") to public speaking to developing strategic relationships.

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