
Philip Higgins

Start-Up Guru and Mobile Afficianato


I am a start-up guru and expert in the areas of mobile technology, crowd-sourced platforms and social marketing. If you are seeking reference to a multitude of ingenious platforms providing a wide range of functions that can help increase your productivity; engage in a short 15 minute call and I will leave you with the sources.

Recent Answers

Referral Generation

What's a good service to use for visitor referrals, i.e, a contest-system that gets visitors to your site in exchange for "entries".

Philip Higgins

Start-Up Guru and Mobile Afficianato

I can refer you to several third party platforms that provide this service: allows you to create an incentive based sharing system, is similar but more tailored to a full 360 loyalty program. Additionally, has a different form of pricing that may suit your needs because it allows you to pay as you go; with no setup fees. Hopefully these few recommendations will be enough to get you atleast considering different options. Feel free to call me with any questions or implementation advice.


Would like to build a better search engine for business results (not searches for Katy perry).

Philip Higgins

Start-Up Guru and Mobile Afficianato

Great answer with loads of information: my problem is somewhat similar however it goes one step further: I have created a functional prototype using a simple web design platform for my application. I do not have the necessary skills to develop the true program myself and I currently find myself at a standstill: Do I launch a simpler version of my concept now, using the features of the prototype that are functional? Or do I use seek the proper financial support to properly hire a true developer. See, I originally created the prototype so I may start testing demand and functionality for the purposes of attracting angel investors and possible team members...however the development of the prototype was a great learning experience because it showed me those ideas that work and inspired some new features to be added or adjusted. Here I am 12 months later with no seed financing or co-founder to develop it: however I have just applied to a local tech incubation firm (Chicago), and I have begun exposing my idea to the startup community at ( It's a critical time for me to make the right next steps.

Content Marketing

How should agencies approach content marketing? It seems most don't blog or have a blog with little readership.

Philip Higgins

Start-Up Guru and Mobile Afficianato

I think these are all good answers: but how can anyone make any references to social media blogging tools that can empower these areas?

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Areas of Expertise

Online MarketingGraphic DesignPersonal BrandingEvent MarketingBrand developmentTeam LeadershipPromotionsCompany BrandingTeam ManagementGeneral Administration