
Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement


Email marketing, email deliverability, & inbox placement should not be a source of stress. Call me to restore your email engagement, increase your email marketing conversions, and get back to growing your business.

I'm an email marketing leader with over 15 years of experience leading top brands with cutting-edge, digital & traditional marketing strategies. Entrepreneur, ideator, & connector. Schedule a call for practical and actionable insights for your business.

I have experience in Lean Startup methodology and Business Model Canvas.

Areas of expertise:
- Email Marketing Deliverability, ReturnPath, sender reputation, and email marketing engagement best practices.
- Spam folder avoidance.
- Email engagement optimization
- Email marketing strategy
- Email creative best practices.
- A/B creative, subject line or copy testing process and strategies.
- Mobile email best practices.
- Email list building strategies and best practices.
- Social media retargeting strategies.
- Targeting, trigger, and cadence best practices.
- Small business marketing strategy development.
- Small business brand development.
- Small business local marketing digital strategies (SEO, content, social, etc)

Schedule a call and let me know how I can help!

Recent Answers

Strategic Planning

how to do manpower optimization for an NGO

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

To optimize manpower for an NGO, it's crucial to assess the current workforce and structure teams according to their natural talents and the principles outlined in Patrick Lencioni's Working Genius model and the Five Dysfunctions of a Team concept. The two essential pillars for manpower optimization are alignment to clearly defined objectives and clarity about the ideal target audience. By focusing on these key elements, an NGO can effectively manage and utilize human resources to maximize impact and achieve organizational goals. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve manpower optimization: Step 1: Assess current manpower - Conduct a thorough evaluation of the existing workforce, including their skills, experience, and performance. - Identify gaps in expertise and areas where additional resources may be needed. Step 2: Define organizational objectives and target audience - Clearly articulate the NGO's mission, vision, and specific goals. - Identify the ideal target audience and understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Step 3: Administer the Working Genius assessment - Have each team member complete the Working Genius assessment to identify their natural gifts and the types of work that energize them. - Analyze the results to understand the distribution of Working Geniuses within the organization. Step 4: Structure teams based on Working Genius and the Five Dysfunctions model - Create teams that have a balance of the six Working Geniuses (Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, and Tenacity) to ensure that all essential activities are covered. - Address the Five Dysfunctions of a Team by fostering trust, encouraging healthy conflict, promoting commitment, holding team members accountable, and focusing on collective results. Step 5: Align teams with organizational objectives and target audience - Ensure that each team understands how their work contributes to the overall mission and goals of the NGO. - Provide clarity on the target audience and how the team's efforts will impact and benefit them. Step 6: Foster a culture of continuous improvement - Regularly assess team performance and individual contributions to identify areas for growth and development. - Provide training and resources to help team members enhance their skills and expertise. - Encourage open communication, feedback, and collaboration to promote a positive and productive work environment. Step 7: Monitor and adjust - Continuously monitor the effectiveness of the team structure and make adjustments as needed to optimize performance and impact. - Celebrate successes and learn from challenges to foster a culture of resilience and adaptability. By following this step-by-step guide and incorporating the principles of the Working Genius model and the Five Dysfunctions of a Team concept, an NGO leader can effectively optimize manpower to maximize impact and achieve organizational objectives. The key is to ensure that every team member is working in alignment with their natural talents and that the team as a whole is focused on achieving collective success while serving the needs of the target audience. By fostering a culture of trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability, and attention to results, an NGO can build high-performing teams that are equipped to tackle even the most complex challenges and drive meaningful change in the communities they serve.

Business Strategy

Strategic Planning and Goal Setting

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

A well-crafted strategic plan will help you clarify your goals, prioritize your efforts, and align your team towards a common vision. Here are some steps and resources to help you create an effective strategic document: 1. Conduct a SWOT Analysis: - Assess your company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT). - This analysis will help you understand your current position and identify areas for improvement and growth. - Resources: - - "SWOT Analysis: How to Develop a Strategy For Success" by Mind Tools: [] 2. Define Your Mission, Vision, and Values: - Clearly articulate your company's mission (purpose), vision (long-term aspirations), and values (guiding principles). - These elements will serve as the foundation for your strategic plan and help guide decision-making (and most importantly when to say no to something). - Resources: - "How to Write a Mission Statement With Examples" by The Balance Small Business: [] - "How to Write a Vision Statement" by Asana [] In a mission statement, you answer these questions about your company: What do I/we do? For whom? How? For what purpose/goal? 3. Set SMART Goals: - Develop specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your business. - Break down your long-term objectives into short-term milestones to make them more manageable. - Resources: - "SMART Goals: How to Make Your Goals Achievable" by Mind Tools: [] - "The Essential Guide to Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals" by Smartsheet: [] 4. Develop Strategies and Action Plans: - Identify the key strategies and action plans needed to achieve your goals. - Break down each strategy into specific tasks, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines. - Resources: - "The 5 Steps of the Strategic Planning Process" by The Hartford: [] 5. Monitor and Review: - Regularly monitor your progress against your strategic plan and make adjustments as needed. - Schedule periodic reviews to assess the effectiveness of your strategies and make data-driven decisions. Remember, creating a strategic document is an iterative process. Don't aim for perfection on the first draft. Instead, focus on getting your ideas down and refining them over time. Involve your team members in the process to gain their insights and buy-in. If you still find it challenging, consider seeking the assistance of a business coach or consultant who specializes in strategic planning. They can provide valuable guidance and help you navigate the process more effectively.

Email List Building

What are some strategies I can use to grow my email list?

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

Ultimately, you need to focus on delivering value and communicating this value clearly. Here are some ideas: - write and give away an eBook related to your brand or product for users that opt-in. - raffle a brand-aligned price or giveaway. - create and deliver regular, useful content and invite users to opt in to be notified of new articles (content strategy). - create and promote regular webinars where you can share knowledge and tips, in exchange for email opt-in. You will have to continue delivering value even after you capture emails, or your list attrition will be high and engagement will be low (resulting in low deliverability). Reach out if I can help.

HTML emails

I need good & simple WYSIWYG HTML Email editing program so non-program me staff can edit existing HTML emails template quickly and easily. For Mac.

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

Check out MailChimp or Emma. Both have been very effective with non tech users.


I'm 16 and want to create a startup in the future - should I start it now or prepare first?

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

Hi There. Great question. Learning through doing is ALWAYS going to be a better option. If you have a business or product concept or idea, go for it! Don’t wait. Experience is going to be a great teacher. Also, you can prepare WHILE you execute your business idea. Check out Business Model Canvas (from Strategyzer) and get the book. This will let you reach both goals — launch your business while training yourself for it. Good luck in your efforts!


How can I create a database of emails for a specific client market?

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

Hey There, Great question and a challenge almost any business faces today. You're starting off on the right path by realizing that an email list is the first place to start and the foundation for selling your online courses. The first thing you'll want to do is make sure you're strategies and tactical plans are aligned to the Australian laws regarding email marketing. You can find those here: (as well as those for other countries). The second important element to keep in mind is email best-practices. Regardless of what you can or can't do according to the law, there is a wealth of proven tactics and best-practices that will help start off building your email list correctly. This isn't legal advice, but from what I understand, you'll need to ensure you have permission from users before you can add them to your email list. I can share some basic ideas you'll want to explore to build a permission database from scratch, but first I should be clear -- you really do not want to buy an email list. There are ways to reach to established lists that are within best-practices, but avoid paying for a list you bring into your email marketing system. This will cause more long-term harm and increase your cost of email marketing over the long run. To start building your list, I would highly encourage your client to create and execute a content marketing plan. By establishing narrow nitch-topic content websites (one for moms returning to the workforce, another one for convicts needing online training). These website would then provide multiple opportunities to "sign up for emails". Providing a simple or intangible giveaway is a good way to incent people to sign up. And by using SEO best-practices, these content websites will attract the right audience, and get you going in establishing your email list. Under the "content marketing" tactic, there are hundreds of approaches you might take. For example, you might offer a free webinar to your target audience sharing samples of the training offered. You can also partner with existing content publishers to promote your client's content and the webinar, getting them to email their lists. Once this audience is on your client's website, they can opt-in to your lists. There really are no major short cuts to building your list. The danger of "buying" a third party list is extensive, and will hurt your marketing efforts over the long run. To learn more, do a search for "email deliverability best-practices'. There should be plenty on the topic online. Hope this gives you some ideas to start exploring. Best of luck with your client's project.


How can we get happy clients to actually give referrals?

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

Sounds like you have the basics right -- a quality team that can deliver solutions. I think you'll find better "referral" opportunities on your own, using data and some smart content marketing. Start with what you do best. Create content showcasing problems or pains you've solved for your clients. If you can get permission, show your client brands and video testimonials. This can also be published to your owned domain (blog) to build up search equity. Once you've built your content hub, you'll need to explore some paid promotion. We're not talking thousands--experiment with small amounts to figure out what works best. Here are some ideas to explore: 1) Consider using LinkedIn paid ads, using your existing client base as your targeting or modeling criteria. Like Facebook, you can use an existing client email list to target similar potential customers. Use pre-recorded testimonial videos as the ad content, as these past clients are probably known names in your area. 2) Explore doing likewise on Facebook. See above. 3)Tabula, Outbrain or other native distribution networks are offering some great options. If your promotion budget is on the bootstrap level, give email marketing a try. This is also one way to reduce the friction for referrals. Here is a high level outline of how to set up a n email referral program: 1) Set up a "referral" form where your clients can easily and quickly enter a few email addresses, and should include an appropriate non-salesy pre-written note written as if from your client, inviting new leads to explore your services. Make sure you are explicit about your privacy policy and about your use of those emails. No one wants to be that friend that put your email into a "spam list". 2) Set up an appropriate incentive. It could be "winner chooses a charity to get a donation" or something as simple as "win an iPad". You could also do something more on brand, such as give away tickets to a local film festival. 3) The last step might require some technical help, but basically when a client clicks on your email, you'll want to track the referrals they enter. If any result in new business, you'll want to acknowledge it appropriately, and also deliver on your prize. A more simple version of the above would be to include copy in the email that invites your clients to forward to s friend. You'll just need to figure out how to track who referred who. You might be doing this already, but consider submitting some of your work to awards or other contests. Every marketing manager loves getting the recognition for their "work", and they'll be more likely to share with their network. Basically, give your clients good reasons to share and be excited about your work.

Email Marketing

What's the most cost-effective way to create email marketing content for a technical professional services firm's customers and prospects?

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

After years of executing email marketing programs, AND leading content development efforts, I can tell you most companies already generate a lot of valuable content. Here is what I would suggest: 1) Consider an automated "drip" campaign. This takes the form of an on-boarding set of emails or a welcome-series of emails. These should be no less than 3 emails, and can be as many future emails as you think is relevant to your customers. You can do the same for existing customers by giving away a whitepaper or other useful document in exchange for an email opt-in. The opt-in should be followed by additional automatic emails that provide new and relevant content that strengthens your brand and helps the customer with a pain point. If you can muster the investment and human resources to get it done, it will serve you for a long time. From time to time, you will need to invest in updating the creative, but it will allow you to get back to focusing on your regular business. 2) Explore current sources of content. Your sales team may be creating extensive powerpoints that you could re-purpose into an article for sharing over email. Your PR or media team (or agency) may also have content that can be re-purposed. The other possible source of content could be training materials. If you're providing customers with classroom or online training, consider recording and transcribing key training sessions, and hiring an editor to wordsmith and polish the transcription into actual useful content. A freelance transcriber will cost you pennies to the dollar (look in, and with the core knowledge and expertise "written down", a freelance editor should be able to polish it up into a useful format. As you think about the power of re-using spoken content, consider other sources such as the owner's keynote presentations. 3) Use a freelancer. Once you have the core "facts" needed for a content piece, you should be able to hire a skilled freelance writer to handle the wordsmithing and polishing. You may want to craft a complete business and customer overview document to provide potential freelance writers. A good freelance writer who is provided with solid source material and the right background should be able to create good content for you. Likewise, invest the effort into creating a brand style guide that documents your owner's writing aesthetics so you can empower good freelance writers to deliver what you need. This should all be part of an overall "brand styleguide" resource. Finding and hiring an effective freelance writer/editor will take time and effort. But once you do, you'll find yourself with an invaluable resource that will be worth the initial effort. Like with any other hire, you'll want to interview freelancers carefully, test a few out with easy and quick projects, before settling on one that works for your needs. Feel free to schedule a consultation phone call if you have follow up questions to my thoughts.

Email Strategy

Will creating more email domains for different purposes help my deliverability?

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

In short, no it won't. If you're following best practices in terms of opt-in process, are following good list hygiene practices, AND you're providing engaging content, then your sender reputation score should go up over time with consistent sending. Whichever of the two domains had the most engaging content and consistent sending patters will enjoy the best deliverability and inbox placement. If you have certain content that is not as engaging as other, mixing it up helps get the less-engaging content delivered. If you separate the engaging content from the not-engaging content, then one will enjoy good deliverability and the other will not. Deliverability and spam filters are ALL about engagement. There is no cheating them or tricking them. Its important to remember new domains should be "warmed up" first to give the email service providers time to see you coming. Send regular small, incremental batches of highly engaging content. If the email confirmations are opt-in confirmations, then these should grow organically as your list grows reducing the need for a warm up. Feel free to schedule a call -- I can give you more specific help if I know more about your situation.

Email Marketing

What is the best way to conduct an email marketing campaign for our fingerprinting services?

Josue Sierra

Marketing, Email Deliverability & Inbox Placement

I think there are two parts to your question: A) List Building B) Engagement of your list once built On the list building side, I would suggest you develop a strong content marketing strategy. With a B2B audience, there are really great affordable solutions like HubSpot that can give you the tools and tracking you need to get a solid ROI on any content you create. When thinking about content strategy, its rather basic: consider how your business and industry knowledge can be turned into white papers, trade-focused blog posts, downloadable e-Books, webinars, etc. that would offer value and utility to your potential customers. Create that. Then, use SEO, social, and native ad services like Outbrain or Taboola to drive sales lead through that funnel. Make sure the landing pages you create have a strong call to action that includes providing an email. From that point, you can shift to keeping those leads engaged, and driving them through your buyer journey funnel. Other ways to build your email list can include doing a giveaway when you're at a trade show, doing free webinars that help and ads value to your client decision makers (and require email opt-in). You can also ask related businesses in your industry (non-competing ones) to send emails to their customers (co-branded) inviting them to the resources or webinars you've created. All that to drive traffic to email opt-in windows and build your list. For the second part, once you have a list, content marketing can play a key role. I assume you know who are the key decision makers on your client's side of the business. Develop content that is valuable and useful to those sales leads, and use email to deliver that content. Again, this is where HubSpot and other tools like theirs can help you outline the strategy and the tactical plan. I would also highly recommend using services like MailChimp or aWeber to maintain consistent email creative, and to follow email marketing best practices. Their websites are also valuable resources to help you become email marketing JEDI. Whatever you do, I would highly discourage you from buying any third party lists, and would strongly encourage you to always follow opt-in best practices--even if this is a B2B email campaign. There is no long-term profit in spamming your potential customers. Hope this helps!

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