
Eduardo Cruz

Webdeveloper, freelancer and startup co-founder.


Since the mid-nineties I have been a Founder, CEO, PMI Certified Agile Project Manager, Web PHP/Laravel Freelancer and Java Certified Programmer. I founded MySkills a software developer ranking system in Brazil. Also founded RiSE (Reuse in Software Engineering) a software reuse consulting company. I was also board member of Porto Digital a technology ecosystem with more then 100 tech companies in northeastern Brazil. Right now I live in Brazil and remotely help US tech startups build their products and services and fulfill their dreams.

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Appcelerator Titanium

How to upload images to a server in titanium? I have a php script in the server that receives the images, but it's not working: can't upload images.

Eduardo Cruz

Webdeveloper, freelancer and startup co-founder.

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What are the steps involved for a Canadian Entrepreneur to launch a business in Silicon Valley?

Eduardo Cruz

Webdeveloper, freelancer and startup co-founder.

Source: Form a Corporation or LLC The best way to do this is to have a service firm do the work for you with the state for a small fee. We have used, and reommend Legal Zoom. Get a business permit While the County of Santa Clara issues no licences, the mailtain a great list of all the individual cities and their phone numbers for their business/license permit offices. Check out Santa Clara County business license per page. Santa Clara has reasonable fees. Check them out. Get Business Cards Try: VistaPrint Get Insurance A general liability policy is a small investment. We recommend: Get a Bank Account WAMU seems to have the best basic business checking, and no fees. Get yourself a web site We use and recommend them highly. Good service and reasonable cost, and free tools. You will have what you need fast.

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Areas of Expertise

StartupsCommunity ManagementJavaPHPLaravelBrazilAgile MethodologiesAgile Project ManagementContinuous DeliveryBrazilian Portuguese