
Brian Slawin

Portfolio Manager at Ben Franklin Tech PArtners


Startup mentor, advocate for entrepreneurs, tech, finance and operations executive with significant startup (to exit) and F500 experience. | Cycling relaxes me, Big ideas inspire me, Curious about everything else.

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Startup Consulting

I'm a single founder & I'm planning to bring more people in once I complete my MVP. How many shares should I issue to myself?

Brian Slawin

Portfolio Manager at Ben Franklin Tech PArtners

Hi there. First, congratulations on thinking ahead of the many of the companies I work with are 'passion first' projects and they forget that ultimately, they're trying to build a company and need to think about that structure in the beginning. It's my experience that founders should set aside about 20% of their total shares for an 'employee pool'. That leaves you with the balance and you can raise 3 rounds (F&F, Seed and A) before you'll be diluted below 50% (and there's a way to handle the voting control even lower than that). As you bring on your C-level folks, they'll be awarded 3-5% vesting over a 3-4 year period with a 1 year cliff. That's reasonably a standard way to handle things but of course, every situation can be different. Again, congrats on your desire to go for it and best of luck! Brian Slawin Portfolio Manager @ Ben Franklin Technology PArtners

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EntrepreneurshipRaising Venture CapitalGrowthStartup ConsultingLean StartupsMarketing StrategyFundingMobile TechnologyHealthcare Information TechnologyExecutive Mentoring