Deutro, LLC
Self-taught programmer with an idea to aggregate information into packages and sell them to the community.
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My idea was to launch a media aggregation business to provide customers and businesses with information in aesthetic and effective presentation formats. I recently launched my website at, where you can see the prototypes for my Chess, Literature, and Graphic Design Environments. I chose chess as my primary minimum viable product because there are plenty of resources available in books and online content to analyze, categorize, and structure the data in different ways to determine the best ways for learning and retention. I am basing my products on the best ways to categorize, format, and display information. I am inspired by the Library of Congress models for information management, Apple Design Principles, and the startup culture from Silicon Valley. A lot of my learning have been from reading books and watching Stanford's GSB View From the Top videos. God Bless. Peace.
Spring creek, nv
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