
Adam Meek

Adventure Armie


Pivoting back into the Nonprofit Sector after decades in the Corporate Realm, and I couldn't be happier!

Often told to stay in my lane after bringing solutions to gaping holes in systems and processes, I've decided to plug a gaping hole in the pet space with Adventure Armie!

The Adventure Armie cares deeply for our furry friends, and want to ensure that all dogs have proper care.

Adam’s Old English Sheepdog, Sir Alex Whines-a-lot and his last litter-mate, Bubbles were the inspiration for Adventure Armie. Bubbles was with us for six weeks before she developed bloat and had to be put to sleep.

Nobody should have to pay to have their dog killed, so as a compassionate gesture to all dog owners everywhere, Adam and Alex want to offer all preventative, serialization, and end of life services for all dogs in the US, and eventually the world.

Our Outreach Services will address the Homeless, shut-in, and rural populations, particularly island nations with limited to nonexistent veterinary care.

The first step is Networking! Reach out, I'm happy to talk!


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Adventure Armie

As Founder of Adventure Armie, I care deeply for our furry friends, and want to ensure that all dogs have proper care. My goal is to offer no-fee vaccine, spaying, neutering, and end-of-life services for all dogs in the US, and eventually the world. I envision a global mobile vet service for the less fortunate, and those that live in remote areas. I understand that your dog might be the only hope you’re able to cling onto in life. I know; I've been Homeless, with and without a Best Friend.










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