
David Hirschfield

The Big Event Shuttle LLC


I want to share with you my story and how my Journey has been up to this point  in the world
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, December 11,1969. My Father is German Jewish from New Jersey who is 83 years old and has had a successful career in Real Estate. My Mother was 100% Mexican, a very great cook, making the best tortillas, sadly passed away in July 2013. God Bless.
In 1975 we lived in Van Nuys California at 16623 Hamlin street I have a brain that doesn’t forget numbers I was 5 years old. The House was right on the 9th hole of Van Nuys municipal golf course. All the golf balls would come into our yard, every Saturday morning at 5 years old I would stand at our chain link fence on the 9th hole and sell golf balls for .25 to all the golfers. I averaged $7.00 a week selling golf balls!
At 9 years old.
I remember moving to Northridge California and there was a Pic n Save store that sold Now and Later Candy cheap. I took a $5.00 loan from my father loaded up my backpack with the candy and took them to school. I was selling them for .10 cents a piece doubling my money. It went well for a few months until the haters told the teacher, I was sent to the office and written up.                               
My parents were divorced when I was 11 years old , I lived between both households and had very little supervision from either parent. When I was 13 years old I got a Job at Mc Arthur Park in Downtown Los Angeles pushing a popsicle cart on the weekends and within 2 weeks I was the top producer in sales averaging over $100 a day in sells on Saturday and Sunday and 25% of the sales was my pay, I figured out the best way to market the Popsicles was to always have one on my hand eating licking it like it was the most delicious thing I ever had.
At the young age of 15 I decided I didn't need to go to school and I wanted a full time job. So I called the school acted like my Father and said I had moved to Mexico. I dropped out of School in the 10th grade and found a job in Hollywood. It was 1985 I was 15 years old at a Taxi company making $5.00 an hour at 40 hours a week. I lied about my age and said I was 18 and in those days it wasn't verified.
I always, from a very young age, wanted to be the top achiever at anything I do . The first thing I wanted to know when I started work at the Taxi Company is what is the top pay and what do I need to achieve that position. The Top paying position at that time was being a Dispatcher and it paid $10.00 an hour. I put a plan and a goal together to get that position within 6 months.
I started learning on my own time off by staying extra hours and befriending the dispatchers and telling them to show me everything there is, so I could promote to that position. In 5 months I felt I was ready and went to the Supervisor and asked for the promotion. His his response was "Kid, you're way to young and won't be able to handle it." I kept on him almost 3-4 times a week asking him and telling him I put a lot of my own time staying after shift to shadow dispatchers and learn the Job. I came in one day for my shift and my supervisor told me that a dispatcher called out and now he's giving me a shot to turn my words and desire in to action , I was his only choice at the time . The shift went perfectly I felt like I was doing it for a long time. The next day I came in I was promoted to a Dispatcher and my pay was doubled to $10.00 with 40 hours a week plus I worked all the overtime I could get. I was making over $500 a week in 1985 at the age of 15. 
When I turned 16, I rented a one bedroom apartment in Hollywood, living on my own for $650.00 a month and bought a 69 VW Bug, my first car. I stayed with the Company until 1987.
I was married when I was 17 years old in January 1987 and relocated to the Palm Springs area with my new wife who was 3 years older than me. When I was 18, my first Child my daughter.
At the Age of 18 I had a tremendous responsibility with no High School Diploma, I decided to take my GED test passed it without studying the first time at 92%. I needed to find a Job that would allow me to provide for my family, I answered a sales ad for Toyota of the Desert and was hired on the spot. I was scared, shy and timid and ended up getting fired within a month.
My second child, David Jr, was born in 1989 when I was 19.
I remember I was devastated, scared and all I could think about was my 2 small children and wife that depend on me. As I was walking back to my car in the Auto Mall I noticed a Mitsubishi sign and I stopped and talked to a salesman . The salesman told me they have a great training program and that they needed salesmen. I walked into the Dealership and asked to speak to the owner. My father taught me at a very young age that it is important to speak to the right people to accomplish your goals. I was blessed and the owner was there. He didn't realize that I had asked to speak to him to apply for a job. I guess I impressed him by doing that because he hired me after talking to me for 20 minutes. I was honest and told him I was fired and that I was desperate because I had 2 small children and a wife who were dependent on me. 
The owner of the Dealership looks at me and said that I have a unique talent and he would not let me fail. I was only without a job for less than an hour, Now, looking back, I realize how good God is. 
I stayed with that Dealership over a year, always being in the top 3 salesman for units sold at the end of each month out of 15 sales people. 
With proper guidance and training, instead of just trying to soak up everything from watching and trial and error, I could not have failed. I did not fail at Toyota of the Desert. They failed me. A little over a year later the owner sold the Dealership I was at. I noticed Toyota of the Desert was acquiring a Honda franchise and expanding. I walked across the street, one day, as the Sales Manager who fired me was walking and kicked up a conversation asking him if he needs salesman, He hired me on the spot because the word got out about how good I was at sales. I had set a goal to go back as a Salesman and to go for the Managers' position when the expansion happened.
My first month back I was top Salesman out of 25 salesman and I remember in the sales meeting the owner stood up and looked at my sales manager and said "You fired this guy? How many good people have you failed and fired !!!! I should fire you. " It was an awkward moment, however very gratifying to be recognized for my accomplishment over a year and a half later. Up to that day I had never even met the owner or even been acknowledged by him. I knew, now was my chance to go for the management position. I approached the owner after the sales meeting and told him I wanted a career with his Dealership and my desire to become a Finance Manager. He looked at me and didn't say much more than "We'll see." After about 3-4 months of me bugging him for the opportunity to be a Finance Manager and proving myself with sales volume, I heard my name over the PA system. I was being paged by the owner to see him in his office. I thought for sure I did something wrong and was getting written up or terminated. I was wrong ...., it was him telling me he's giving me the shot at Finance Manager and that I was the youngest, at 20 years old, that he's ever seen in his career, get this opportunity. I started training with the Finance Director that day, and very soon after I was making, at 20 years old as a High school dropout, $10,000 - $12,000 per month based on my aftermarket sales volume on extended warranties, Lo Jack, paint and fabric protection and upgraded accessories, such as rims, tint and bed liners. I progressed rapidly in the Business making no less than $150,000 a year for 10 years straight. I will never forget, about 6 months after I was promoted to Finance Manager, the Owner says to me that he thought I wouldn't make it a week- however he gave me the opportunity because I was so persistent .
I never saved money. We took lavish vacations as a family. We had 2 new cars and I was arrogant thinking the money would never stop and all I had to do is wake up and go to work. 
I bought my first house at age25. My third child, Robert, was born in 1999. I progressed all the way to a General Sales Managers position at a Nissan Store  by the time I was 30 years old. 
I worked every front end management position including being a Finance Director and Sales Manager.
By 2002 I was tired of the 60-70 hours a week and being consumed in life by work, chasing unneeded luxury wants, and never saving more than $50,000 dollars over a 12 year period.
At age 32, I decided to leave a $200,000 a year job and began a new career. I always had a passion for Real Estate and went for it. I loved the idea of being my own boss, helping people and making my own schedule. I started with a company named Tarbell Realtors in their Rancho Mirage, California office here in the Palm Springs area. I made my first sale in less than 30 days and never looked back . I averaged 2-3 sales a month averaging $20,000 a month in commissions. One year later, in 2004, I was contacted by the Owner/Broker of Keller Williams in Rancho Mirage and he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I was asked to come mentor and manage his sales team. I accepted the position and was paid an override on the teams production plus my own production as a Realtor. Wow! Life was great and all I had to do is wake up and apply myself. 
Now the beginning of the crash and burn in my life In November 2006 I decided that I no longer wanted to be married after almost 20 years of marriage .
I had gotten married so young and I didn't feel the passion or "In Love" anymore. The day after Thanksgiving, I told the Mother of my children that I wanted a divorce and that I was leaving her and, by the way, it wasn't for another relationship. I never cheated and she was the first and only woman to that point that I was ever intimate with. I blind sided her and she never even saw it coming. It was very heart breaking to see her suffer, however, I had to live my life for me and no one else . We sold our assets. I kept my new Mercedes and she kept her new Mini Van. By the way, both were repossessed by 2008. I started not focusing on my business and went thru $100,000 in about a year. 
In 2008 I did not want to accept that our economy was nose diving and did not conform to the current way of being a Realtor. By the end of 2008 - I was broke with no money, no car, bad bad credit, and no assets. My father opened arms, with his big heart, and invited me to live with him at his house. Now at the age of 38, for the very first time since I was 13 years old, I could say I'm broke with no job and a suspended drivers license for non-payment of speeding tickets. For the next few weeks the reality started sinking in. I would wake up wanting a Diet Coke and a Monster so bad and I couldn't even buy one with my own means. 
I had many days and hours alone to reflect back on 25 years of my life. I accept full responsibility and blame no one. I know everything that transpired in my life was based on my decisions, good and bad. I recognize that it wasn't the economy, because I have the intelligence and health to overcome that. It was purely bad decisions and being selfish that caused my crash and burn. I was humbled. I did a lot of soul searching and from that point forward started transitioning to living a life of faith and spirituality. 
I got a phone call from an old friend I hired in the car business about 2-3 weeks of staying in and being depressed. He knew I was down and out and called to offer me a job with the company he was with as a sales manager. I asked him what type of position it was and he responded "What difference does it make? You don't have a job." 
My friend had a point I was broke and unemployed and had no car or drivers license. It turns out it was a job as a Home Alarm salesman going Door to Door, cold calling, offering Homeowners Security systems. It was very humbling. However, I read the pay plan and embraced the position. 
I quickly learned my product and mastered my pitch. I averaged 3-4 contracts a week which equaled about $1200-$1400 a week. I became a team leader within 3 months and I would mentor, manage and close my team members deals making a $50 override on their sales. I still had to maintain my own production of 3-4 deals a week. 
In 2009 I got into a relationship with a woman who was an alcoholic, had severe emotional problems and border line personally disorder. I had the worse 3 years of my life. Living with her was like living in an emotional prison. She was physically and emotionally abusive. I finally had no choice but to terminate the relationship in 2012. I forgive her for everything she did and hold no hard feelings or grudges. I realize I had made the choice to stay.
I ended up moving back to my Fathers' house in October 2012. I came to realize that the most important thing, each day, is the opportunity to open my eyes and be healthy. Also, having a clear peaceful soul with no hate or anger towards any human being. I live my life that way and anything above that is a privilege. 
In 2012 I also realized I need to be my own boss and started driving a Taxi as an Independent Contractor, leasing the vehicle. Taxi driving has been my therapy and sanctuary, as far as being able to plan my life and keep a clear head. I have been blessed with always being the top earner with the company I work with. I make my own schedule, however I work 6-7 days a week 12-15 hours a day. In 2016 I started a digital marketing company named Webbix Media , It was 3 of us running it , my son, business partner and I ran it for 3 years until 2019 . I remarried in 2019 an for the last 4 years been building my dream as I part time
Drive for Uber realizing the need for what I started now ,
The Big Event. Being an entrepreneur and visionary has been in my makeup ever since I can remember.

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The Big Event Shuttle LLC

Introducing The Big Event , the Airbnb for ground luxury transportation! We're revolutionizing the way people find and book their perfect ride for any occasion. With our user-friendly website, you can easily search for vehicles based on city, hours needed, and vehicle type. No more endless browsing or phone calls. Our platform brings together the limousine, party bus, and shuttle industries into one cohesive hub nationwide.You can compare pricing, vehicle aesthetics, and even place a deposit right on our secure platform. Here's the best part: we benefit both consumers and providers. As a consumer, you gain access to a wide range of options, transparent pricing, and a seamless booking process. And for vehicle providers, we offer increased visibility, access to a larger customer base, and the opportunity to earn revenue through our platform. Our revenue model is simple and fair. We keep 15% of the rate from the limousine providers, ensuring they receive their fair share, and charge a nominal 5% service fee to the consumer. It's a win-win for everyone involved. What sets us apart from the competition? We offer a user rating system, exceptional customer support, and additional services that make your experience truly exceptional. We're not just a booking platform; we're your trusted transportation partner. To attract users, we have a strategic marketing and growth plan in place. We'll leverage targeted online advertising, form partnerships with event planners and travel agencies, and harness the power of social media to increase brand awareness. Of course, we understand the challenges and risks in this industry, such as competition and regulatory requirements. But we've done our homework and have robust plans in place to overcome these obstacles and build trust with our users. Join us on this exciting journey as we transform the transportation industry. The Big Event is the go-to platform for finding the perfect Limousine, Party Bus and Shuttles hassle-free. Get ready to experience convenience, choice, and confidence like never before.








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