
Mark Hunter

Living Solutions


I started my first company at ag 19. I ran this for 10 years and sold. I have started three companies from scratch. One company I still own. I started it 20 years ago with a $5,000 debit card and it has 5 employees doing $3 million annually. I truly know what beg, borrow, and leverage truly means. I have learned God and bootstrapping are both great character builders. More time than money reduces wasteful spending and helps makes well thought out decisions. It has been said, "God helps the stupid people." I'm a great recipient.

My current project actually started 6 years ago. My aging parents 85 and 87 needed help with their activities of daily living. I learned quickly they were too rich to be poor but too poor to afford long-term care. I also found institutional care still had the same inherit issues they had 45 years previous when my grandmother was in a rest home just more expensive. I took my business experience and studied the issues and then innovated a new long-term option for my parents and it turns out for millions of other families just like mine. All designs were developed, and patents were submitted, then COVID-19 hit the world. As we all know COVID seemed to paralysis many key parts of our society as well as some people. In long-term care COVID was like wildfire in our group or congregate care with 201,000 deaths and still counting. As an entrepreneur I knew I had a real scalable solution but felt helpless. Its design was even a class "Q quarantine isolation unit". But my concept wasn't market ready. With the slow down and the 3-year backlog at the United States Patent Office I was swimming the wrong direction in a fast-moving river.

Today is a new day and I have learned patience is a virtue. I now have a utility patent and a business use patent pending. One critical factor prior to COVID. The Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) did not reimburse for "at-home eldercare or telehealth." With the high deaths in long term care federal regulators recently opened the door for reimbursement. Allowing for low-middle income seniors some assistance for at home care.

I am now taking my 6 years of R&D and creating a scalable company that in provides portable, temporary, leased, high tech housing and caregiving tools to our aging members of our society in underserved, disadvantaged rural areas of the United States. We have a grey tsunami hitting our shores with baby boomer parents and their 73 million children needing some form of long-term care for the next 40 years. When the baby boomers were being born, it was said "babies mean business". Their presence created companies like Gerber and Kellog. Today these same babies still mean business. 80% do not want the current long-term care options; rest homes, assisted living, and care centers. They want something more, something better with higher, and safer outcomes. They want to age in place, in their communities and not in an available bed in a distant city. We have created a new single person-centered care and housing option that meets them where they are!

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Living Solutions

We have created a new single person-centered care and housing option that meets our aging population where they are! A desired alternative to rest homes, care centers, and assisted living facilities.








Afton, wyoming



Funds Raised
