
Gwen Myslinski

CEO & Founder of Convergence Mktg


My journey to founding Convergence Mktg has been anything but conventional. Over 25 years, I've navigated the worlds of healthcare, non-profits, and corporate America, each step teaching me valuable lessons about communication, resilience, and authenticity.

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and I've had my share. A stroke, emergency surgery, surviving domestic abuse – these experiences could have broken me. Instead, they forged me into the no-nonsense marketer I am today. As a single mom, I've learned the delicate balance of being both nurturing and unyielding. My background as an accomplished athlete taught me discipline and the power of pushing limits.

These personal trials, combined with my professional journey, have converged to shape my unique approach to marketing. I've learned that patience and kindness are as crucial as being firm and direct. This balance is at the heart of Convergence Mktg.

In the marketing world, I've seen it all – the good, the bad, and the downright dishonest. I've worked with healthcare providers, non-profits, and corporations, each experience reinforcing my belief that authentic communication is the key to real impact.

Today, I channel all of these experiences into crafting content and strategies that resonate deeply with audiences. I don't just write; I translate complex emotions and experiences into messages that cut through the noise. My work isn't about following trends or pleasing algorithms – it's about creating genuine connections.

Convergence Mktg isn't just a name; it's the culmination of my life's journey. It's where everything – my personal struggles, professional experiences, and unwavering commitment to authenticity – has finally come together.

I'm not here to sugar-coat or spin. I'm here to leverage my unique perspective to help businesses communicate with honesty and impact. If you're looking for marketing fluff, you're in the wrong place. But if you want strategies and content that reflect real life and make a genuine difference, let's talk.

In a world increasingly dominated by artificial voices, I stand firm in the power of human experience and authentic storytelling. Because at the end of the day, it's not about being perfect – it's about being real.

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Convergengence Mktg

I help businesses ditch wasteful marketing and create messages that actually stick. I'm your no-BS guide to words that work and strategies that deliver.










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