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Founder Highlight - Nick Wilson - Sports Hardware Startup

We wanted to highlight one of our Founders that has been making a splash lately as far as our accelerator program. is the founder of Just Send It. A hardware and software solution that captures your outdoor adventure moments, such as mountain biking and skiing, in high-quality video and makes it immediately ready for sharing. Think of it like your own private camera crew for every outdoor sports enthusiast.

Nick has been tearing it up working on his pitch deck and testing his prototype, all while keeping the community posted on his progress. He's been to pretty much every workshop and advisor for the full accelerator experience. Not to mention his pitch deck gets better with every iteration.

As Ed Kang describes him, "Nick is a sponge that immediately puts things into action and then seeks feedback--my type of Founder."

Check out his website:

And feel free to reach out to him and give him kudos! Acceleratorposted a year ago

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Michael DiCenso

Looking forward to following along with Nick's progress. There is a sports focused techstars accelerator in Indy  - When Nick feels ready, I would love to introduce him to Andrew Hippert, their investment principal

Replya year ago

Elliot Schneier

Agreed with Ed. Nick is an incredible learner and thinker. He continues to iterate and push. I'm always excited when Nick lands in one of my workshops or office hours.

Ryan Rutan

Stay after it !!

Ed Kang

Woot - You got this man! Keep hustling and grinding!