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Sometimes it Takes 7 YEARS for Your Startup to Get Traction (ENCOURAGEMENT)

Here's a win and lesson in long-suffering to encourage those who have been grinding away for years. Lend me your ears as I tell you a tale from startup land.

Seven years ago, I was approached by an expert to ask me if I could create a solution to a problem that interior designers and office furniture had when working together.

I interviewed the experts and did a small beta for a user. It didn't go anywhere and my expert left their company so the project died. I left it alone.

Every year, I would revisit with a potential cofounder. But no traction. In my heart, I believed we had problem-solution fit but product-market fit was nowhere in sight.

Then last year another expert tracked me down. She had experienced my work while she worked for the interior design division of Target and another firm. We decided to fire up the MVP again. I rewrote the whitepaper.

Here's the thing. The NEW PROBLEM was remote and hybrid workplaces. So, we had fresh motivation and fuel for the MVP. Was the pandemic the catalyst we needed?

This morning, I observed a presentation for a full-paying client. All I could think was, "IT'S ALIVE!" cackling like a mad scientist.

The best part? There are two cofounders that will run with it. I won't be a part of the new company, but I'll earn mailbox money and the satisfaction of knowing the product actually works.

Seven years my friends... seven years. Passion will always be the spark that lights the fire, but it takes something more to keep it going for the right moment to have a breakthrough.

Hang in there fellow founders!

Ed Kangposted a year ago

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