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Even a Failed Startup Can Change the World (At Least Someone's World)

I have a startup that launched in 2018 and finally tanked in 2021. We raised around a $250K pre-seed round, but I invested much more personally. It was a traumatic experience because a cofounder turned the board on me, resulting in a painful divorce. The startup was in adding gamification and brain science to teach social-emotional learning. Now, that company is sitting on all of my IP, locking me out while it struggles on life support.

I'm not going to lie. Part of me feels vindicated that the company is failing without me. But part of me is sad because we had a noble cause, and I regret trusting the wrong cofounder who did not value the mission as much as I did.

But a funny thing happened in the last couple of weeks.

A customer went out of her way to call me the other day after she found out about my experience. She and her husband shared how they still used the products and how it impacted their lives. She was inspired to pursue a career in the same field and has taken up the mantle.

Another customer also contacted me to share how he went from addictions and broken relationships to making mid-six-figures in a new career. He's on track to become a company partner by the year's end. All because of the work we did.

I take it all as a win. On top of which, I may have some chances to, not get back into the industry, but pass on what I know to the next generation of leaders that can complete the mission. I'd be OK with that and would celebrate the victorious cherry on top.

The best part? The emotional pain of that startup made me listen to the Startup Therapy Podcast by and , two of the founders here at That podcast brought me here to this community. Now I get to work every day with these two blokes along with their third partner .

And whaddya know? Everything always seems to work out, doesn't it?

Keep fighting the good fight my friends! Even in failure you can still make a big difference in somebody's world.

Ed Kangposted a year ago

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