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Founder Highlight - Darlene Gordon - Vote for her to raise $40K and money for breast cancer!

Our member has a chance to raise $40K for her Startup while raising donations for breast cancer, which we think is a great idea. Plus she can get a spread in New Beauty Magazine.

Vote here:

Here's what she wrote in her application:

What is your favorite tip to stay fabulous?

My beauty tip is how I wash my face. This tip came from my grandmother when I was very young. I would stand in the bathroom with my grandmother and watch her wash her face and ask why do you wash your face that way? She would tell me, you must wash my face in small circles and always move toward my hairline, ears, and neck. This keeps your face from forming wrinkles and lines too early. So, I have washed my face like that for more than 50 years because I wanted to slow that process down.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell my younger self that there is no time limit on your dreams. You have the ability to make different dreams come true at any stage of your life as long as there’s passion. So dream big and often. I would also tell her loving yourself is really important and it needs to show up in all the areas of life. So you must define what type of self-care is important for your wellness journey.

What would you do with the $40,000?

If selected the prize money would be used to help scale my newly formed natural skincare company Profile Nourishment LLC I started with my two adult children at 57 years old. Currently, we have three products (cleanser, moisturizer, and overnight hydrating mask). The $40,000 would be used to develop additional natural skin products for the face and body.

Again, vote here! Acceleratorposted 10 months ago

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