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I have so much to be grateful for, what about you?

I'm grateful for my family, especially my wife who supports and loves me no matter what (she's been through A LOT married to me).

I'm grateful for this community. A lot of you are doing such inspiring things and I learn from advising you every day. I live vicariously through you and I love the fact my mistakes can be used for positive learning.

I'm grateful for the little wins I've had this week already.

Finally, there are a lot of people in the world who have very little to be grateful for right now. I'm choosing to be grateful for the opportunity to be humbled and practice more compassion and empathy.

Ok, what about you? What are you grateful for? We don't really need a holiday to share, am I right?

Ed Kangposted 10 months ago

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Lily Meng

Hi everyone!

I am grateful for meeting a lot of good people on this journey, as a founder.

  1. I have a supportive husband

  2. Healthy parents

  3. Connect with you all -share what I know and learn what I don't know yet!!!

  4. Have a great CTO:

I am not that lonely now!!!



Reply3 months ago


God, Family, Friends, Los Angeles Lakers!

Tyler Cantrell

Hello All!

I am grateful for my friends, who put up with my shenanigans and manic business mode. They help me to keep my head on my shoulders. Also my Main Coon Cat. He is a love-bug who is a constant companion following me from room to room. My family also, just don't get to see them much.  For those of you with families for the holiday season cherish your time and be grateful they are in your life!

Happy Holiday Season to ALL!