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🎵 **Big Moves Ahead for MusicCred!** 🎵

Hello everyone,

We are absolutely ecstatic to share some game-changing news! MusicCred is on the brink of being featured on Fundable. This momentous step will open our doors to a broader audience and potential investors who resonate with our mission. For those who've been eyeing the chance to be part of our journey, keep your eyes peeled – more details will be unveiled soon.

But wait, there's more to this thrilling update! 🌟

We're on the cusp of initiating an unprecedented partnership with the legendary Hard Rock. And, bolstering this incredible move, we've welcomed a new partner on board, someone with close ties to the Hard Rock establishment. This strategic alignment is set to bring transformative opportunities that could very well redefine the contours of the music landscape.

With these strides, the horizon looks more promising than ever. We're on a mission to redefine and elevate the music realm, and with your support, there's no telling how far we can go!

Get ready, because the future of music is about to get a whole lot more exciting!

#MusicCredEvolution #HardRockPartnership #OnwardAndUpward

Chad R. LaBoy CEO

MusicCred, Inc

Chad R. LaBoyposted a year ago

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Ed Kang

Wooo hoo! Keep us posted!

•Reply•a year ago

Wil Schroter

congrats on your launch!

•Reply•a year ago