

Agile Methodolgy

What are some of the techniques, resources, or methodologies that you can use to accelerate a bootstrapped start up?

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Eugene Buff

Clarity Expert

Develop executable strategy and prioritized action list... The devil is in details of course.
And lots depend on the field and type of business you are trying to build.

I mentor a lot to startups and formal accelerator programs. Glad to discuss if there is an interest.

Answered over 10 years ago

Sergio Drucaroff

Start-up specialist based in Buenos Aires.

a) Look for a customer that will not only be a customer, it will be your first and most important ally as a word spreader of your company and give you reputation. It may not be a customer if you are not selling to companies.
b) Pre-sell services/products to fund your early stage operation
c) Develop no-core products/services that will help you fund the company while you are developing the star product
Just a few most rapid growth entrepreneurs usually use.
Good luck!

Answered over 10 years ago