


I need assistance with Creating an Internet Marketing plan to generate new bookings for a Local Hotel in my area. Who can help me with a call?

Looking for strategies for OTA management, Email Marketing, Local / Meta Search, Re-Targetting, and any other areas that I need to include to bring more Bookings to this Hotel.

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Chris Larmore

Business development, sales, and marketing guru

Happy to help with this and can probably bring lots of ideas to the table. Also, since LOCAL is the focus, you can't just use digital. Most of your bookings are going to come from local non digital marketing, but they will coincide with the digital marketing you do. The efforts need to be combined for effectiveness. If you are interested in a call please send me link to hotel's site so I can research before hand. OTA might not be the way to go. Happy to hop on a 10 minute free call to discuss further to see if there is a fit.

Answered over 9 years ago

Joseph Peterson

Names, Domains, Sentences and Strategies

Before you start marketing, take a hard look at what you're marketing.

On a scale of Junk to Ideal, how professional is the hotel website's domain name?

With many marketing channels – Google, Radio, TV, word-of-mouth – you're actually drawing attention to the URL / domain. So you're depending on it creating a better-than-average impression, remaining memorable, and leading toward ambiguity-free direct navigation.

So if the domain is inferior, any marketing efforts are likely to underperform relative to what they might have accomplished. Many businesses fail to account for this long-term effect, and they achieve success by compensating with extra marketing expenses in other areas.

Maybe the hotel already built their website on the ideal domain and also controls adjacent domain properties for lead generation and brand positioning.

Most companies don't.

If there's room for doubt, then it's worth a 10-15 minute call to make sense of options, set priorities, etc.

Answered over 9 years ago

Michael Metcalfe

Hotel Advisor @ Hoteliyo

Good question. We always suggest firstly defining the outcomes you're seeking for the hotel asset ie. Are you currently focused on ADR or OCC growth? Are you a new hotel seeking to build awareness? Start with your goals.

Here's one of our hotel tutorials on this exact topic:

Once you've defined your goals, there's a range of free and paid channels we recommend independent hotels utilise to increase direct bookings. From OTA trademark protection, clever retargeting to minimise PPC loss, in-hotel guest data capture and automated utilisation, online loyalty tactics and much more. Normally, the result needs to be a 12-month marketing plan with channels, budgets, activity timing and who's responsible, formatted into a easy to use hotel internet marketing plan.

Answered over 9 years ago