

Facebook Advertising

Why do sales from my Facebook ads only happen the first few days?

It seems to be a pattern that when I run Facebook ads I get sales very quickly but after just 2 - 3 days no more sales happens. The frequency the ad is shown goes from 1.5 to about 2.5 after a while. This happens on target groups that are in the size of 50,000 and even 500,000. I'm looking to create consistent sales from Facebook ads.

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Jerry Banfield

YouTuber, Crypto Investor, Musician, and Teacher

Thank you for sharing this question! The sales usually happen when the ads first run because Facebook knows who the most likely buyers are and once the ads have shown once, you are likely reaching the same people over and over.

The ad campaigns I have found that make the best sales are in the format of a post on a page with a lot of social proof. If your ads do not have social proof, then only the early adopters will buy. If your ads have thousands of likes, shares, and comments from a post on your page, then you can count on mainstream sales.

If you want to chat more about Facebook ads, you are welcome to schedule a call!

Answered over 9 years ago

Diane Burkett

User experience-focused marketing professional

I agree with the other professional who said Facebook likes fresh content. We do paid advertising on Facebook for the purposes of general branding. It's never been a hard converter for us. It's really hard to reach a specific audience.

Also, with regard to our Facebook page, we always focus on quality content that will provide value to our target audience. Then when we want to advertise, we often will boost a post. For instance, we are hosting an event, so we have scheduled specific posts in the weeks leading up to the event. About a week out, we will pay to boost one of those posts once or twice.


Answered over 9 years ago