


How i promote my product?

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Humberto Valle

Get Advice On Growing Your Real Estate Business

This is a very broad question, there's a few experts here that can help you with that.

Instead of telling you how here I'll provide you things to consider:
Social media is not just updating your feeds on Facebook, Instagram etc is about engaging the person past the post. Once you get their attention how to actually provide value to them through your social account and how do you get them to call you, visit your sales website, share or review a product.. Whatever your end goal for this social strategy is. Have a strategy for each media. And realize that each social media welcomes different types of feed.

Toting and promoting for certain products and industries is a fool proof method. If you have great long term sales professionals not someone who cares about quick money rather than ling term relationships.

SEO in a website goes a long way, specially if it ties your social media wording/efforts.

For certain software based products having an app can be a great way to introduce a product to a market.

Not to self promote but give me a call and let's chat about what you can do to get selling & growing!

Answered over 9 years ago

Diane Burkett

User experience-focused marketing professional

A best practice would be to develop a marketing plan (unless you already have) that includes a situation, SWOT, target audience and competitive analysis, to start. Once you know where you fit in the market and to whom, specifically, you are targeting, then answering the question of promotion becomes a lot easier. Hope this helps.


Answered over 9 years ago