Mobile Platforms
Number lover and learning enthusiast
Hello I am Veerendra Kooshna from Mauritius and has been writing articles on Facebook for some years now. My writing passion is appreciated by those who read my posts.
Now, what is Clarity really about? As its name points out, it aims to clarify any doubts you may have on a subject. It's a platform where experts in various subject areas meet those with questions to answer them. With its wide variety of experts, you can expect someone to answer you and clear your doubts. It's more about giving than taking; this is what makes it beautiful. This is also a means for experts to get to know people with questions and select the most serious ones for further discussion.
This is where it becomes a marketplace. Experts would be more inclined to go deeper into the subject matter only when they believe you are serious. In today's world, time is a really precious commodity and we need to respect each other's time tables. Experts shall find time to help those serious seekers and charge for that. This is quite normal; investing time and knowledge deserves to be remunerated. In this win-win formula, the seeker is given due attention and advice for the betterment of his or her venture.
I really hope this has helped you. By the way, am an adviser in presenting more investor-friendly business plans and an exam coach by experience. You may contact me for more information. Thank you.
Answered about 9 years ago
CEO, Investor and Blockchain Enthusiast and hodlr.
It's a 2-sided marketplace. Experts (supply) and answer-seekers (demand).
Platforms are a type of technology which other people can build services or products upon. (Eg: Salesforce)
Answered about 9 years ago
Director of Product at LinkedIn
All marketplaces are platforms. Hence, Clarity is a marketplace and a platform.
A platform can be defined as a place of interaction where users with freedom of decision making power interact with each other, and the platform owner defines the rules of conduct and governance.
On the flip side, not all platforms need to have marketplaces operating on it. As an example, Microsoft developed its Windows operating system for 2 decades as a platform without a marketplace. It was a platform because app developers created many software applications for Windows OS users to install and use. It wasn't a marketplace because Microsoft didn't operate any kind of a medium for app developers and users to meet and transact with each other.
Compared to Windows OS, Apple's iOS is a platform with a marketplace built on top: app developers and OS users meet on App Store to interact and transact.
Answered about 4 years ago