Entrepreneurship / Online Marketing / E-Commerce
You would have to be a little bit more specific. But what I would suggest you do is to go to Meetup.com and look for startup events in your area, also search for Startup Weekend events. Good luck!
Answered about 9 years ago
The Hosting Expert
Hey there, you could try the Founder Institute (www.fi.com) which is an entrepreneur training program. I've graduated from it last year. Happy to discuss more if you'd like details.
Answered about 9 years ago
Business Strategist & Conversion Expert
Definitely do your homework and look for organizations that set the bar to entry.
"Birds of a feather flock together" and there are good and bad things to that. You get branded by the people you hang around. And if you're in a group of strugglers, guess what...you'll struggle along with them.
If the group is online, a pay barrier (ie. pay to access) is a good sign. Along with expressive testimonials using clear language about how membership helped, this will pre-qualify the group well for you.
Lots of people want to get together to GET something. Be a GIVER first. Look for groups of Givers. There are tons of Getters/Takers out there.
Answered about 9 years ago
Serial entrepreneur and hardware startup expert.
I've found Hacker News (HN) at https://news.ycombinator.com to be vary valuable. You need to put a little effort into finding things but the quality of content and people using the forum is very high.
Answered about 9 years ago