


What are some entrepreneur forums that provide a spot to discuss ideas and other startup topics?

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Rui Delgado

Entrepreneurship / Online Marketing / E-Commerce

You would have to be a little bit more specific. But what I would suggest you do is to go to and look for startup events in your area, also search for Startup Weekend events. Good luck!

Answered about 9 years ago

Jason Kanigan

Business Strategist & Conversion Expert

Definitely do your homework and look for organizations that set the bar to entry.

"Birds of a feather flock together" and there are good and bad things to that. You get branded by the people you hang around. And if you're in a group of strugglers, guess'll struggle along with them.

If the group is online, a pay barrier (ie. pay to access) is a good sign. Along with expressive testimonials using clear language about how membership helped, this will pre-qualify the group well for you.

Lots of people want to get together to GET something. Be a GIVER first. Look for groups of Givers. There are tons of Getters/Takers out there.

Answered about 9 years ago