I am really passionate about startups, tech, design and the web, however, my skill is that of an accountant. I have really tried to get into the startup environment for a long time, and have actually built a marketplace through an outsourced Indian team which failed quite miserably back in 2011. Is there anyone from the UK who can help me get onto the startup ladder, be it as an employee, or as a co-founder, would really appreciate your help as its kind of a desperate situation being unemployed after losing a job in the accounting market. This may be the right opportunity to get in and get my hands dirty. I am based in the UK, and would ideally want someone to advice me and help me here, but if anyone thinks they can help me remotely I would really be grateful. I live in the East Midlands, particularly in a city called Leicester, and the startup scene here isn't as mature as it is in London.
Unique Insights, Creative Solutions
You can find startup job / cofounder opportunities at these sites: (choose the 'remote' option)
If you'd like to talk about startup culture in general, or a specific idea you have and how to move it forward, let me know. In any case, best of luck,
Answered almost 9 years ago
Streetwise Marketing & Growth Expert
I would check out Working Not Working, Upwork and contract opportunities on
Answered almost 9 years ago
UX and Product Coach
The best way to get in is to offer what they you know they need.
Try contacting accelerators/incubators and offer free/discounted accounting service for their startups if that's what you can leverage to get in.
Another way is to just go to startup events to find out what the needs are (i.e. you keep hearing the need for UX design), then figure out a way to develop the capability to offer that.
Answered almost 9 years ago