Business Strategy
Declining advertising sales have been a big issue but my sales have dropped as well and that should not be happening.
Business Strategist & Conversion Expert
Half the people on Clarity, including myself, can do that.
The real question is: who understands your business and your marketplace?
What level are you at? How many employees do you have, what gross revenue target do you have, is your marketplace expanding or contracting?
The usual thing, though, is lack of focus on revenue-generating activities. I'll give you that one as professional courtesy.
People do everything they can to appear "busy" in order to avoid selling.
Are you and your people focused on getting and closing orders? I'll bet if I surveyed what they're doing, a lot of their time is eaten up with grunt work that makes them look busy but doesn't lead to sales and money in the door.
After that, I'd look into positioning.
Answered over 8 years ago
A successful executive ready to help you!
The secret is to understand why this is happening. The key to find this out is being open to what your analysis is telling you. Too many small business owners fail to acknowledge the "what's wrong?" Beak down the drivers into two categories: industry/macro economic factors and your business services/processes. I will be glad to have a call with you to come up with a reasonable approach.
Answered over 8 years ago
M2M / IoT (Internet of Things) Consultant
This requires an in-depth analysis of your business, products, competitors, target market, revenue model, expenses/costs, sales model etc.
You can get general advice from anyone, but better advice from someone who is an expert (more specifically) in the product or services you provide.
Talk to an industry insider, to understand what's wrong in your company, and what needs to be improved, and whether it can be improved or not.
Answered over 8 years ago
Marketing, Growth, Entrepreneurship
Do you have an idea of the cause of the decline?
It is important to isolate the problem first. Why is your business declining after many years of success? Is it a competitive threat? Is it a tired business model or stale value proposition? Have you been eclipsed by better options?
Once you figure out the "why" behind the decline, you can move towards developing a solution to correct course.
What is your business and what industry are you in?
Answered over 8 years ago
"The Entrepreneur's Yoda" - wisdom to action!
Your situation is one that many businesses face. Stalled growth or down revenue is usually just the symptom. Could be any of a number of things, but usually is founded trying to use yesterday's solutions to address today's problems. Company's get fat, dumb and happy, just like people. In order to grow, you need to change. Here is a link to a blog post that should give you some insights and maybe set off a couple of light bulbs - Invariably, you need objective, outside advice to help really assess the situation. Happy to start a dialogue, if that makes sense.
All the best,
Answered over 8 years ago
Sales & Strategy Consultant, Mentor, Entrepreneur
Am sure you would got the answer by now, with these responses. I would only ask you to do one thing. Take a candid interview of some of your old clients and ex-employees. You would know the real answers to the challenges you are facing. They know what exactly is going wrong.
Answered over 8 years ago
always be strong
You should first check on what is making the company to be draged behind
if cant solve then you should look for a people with successful business for a long period without making no losses gate advises from them like companies communication companies, Internet companies and many of the successful
Then if you are the director of the company you should have closeness to your employees so that hou can notice early enough before the company drops down.
Answered 9 months ago