Clarity Expert
2 quick and simple ideas come to mind.
1. Open up iTunes, open the podcast section, open up your relevant categories and subcategories. e.g. business/business and marketing.
Contact the podcasts that are in the "New and Noteworthy" sections or in the lower half of the top 200 podcasts sections.
2. Open Twitter or Tweetdeck and use Twitter search for people using phrases like "marketing podcast" or "marketing podcast guests" etc. Try a few different types of query and see if you can use Twitter to narrow down some of the marketing podcasters that are looking for guests.
Good luck with your new book!
Answered about 8 years ago
Clarity Expert
Look for startups that are in the same vertical that your book is based on.
Reach out to the marketing leaders/team at those companies. They'll likely be very open to a mutually beneficial showcase - and even if they don't have podcasts, a Youtube video is a suitable replacement.[1]
I must ask - why only podcasts for promotion?
[1] Worked at three SF startups that did just this and were always actively in need of people/domain experts to bring on for interviews.
Answered about 8 years ago
Dave Jackson Podcast Consultant
You might check out podcastguests.com. This is a place to find guests as well as be a guest.
Answered about 7 years ago
TEDx Speaker, Business Positioning, Podcaster
You find podcasts by google or joining facebook groups. You also sign up for requests at www.podcastguests.com, and www.radioguestlist.com.
We at The Success Corps also offer a podcast booking service where we get you on podcasts. If interested, email me here sean@thesuccesscorps.com.
Answered almost 5 years ago