


How can I increase my self-awareness?

I've embarked on a journey of self-awareness which has involved self-assessments, regular journaling, philosophical meditation, reading and listening to relevant podcasts. I'm now 8-9 months into this 12-month endeavor and wondered if anyone had any suggestions for increasing this awareness. I'd say I know myself rather well so surface level questions have all been covered. I'm looking for something that will take me deeper in my analysis. Any suggestions on assessments, articles, podcasts, books, questions that you think would be of help, I'm open to hearing. Thanks, S.

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Catelyn Augustine

Have you tried any forms of bodywork-massage or yoga? Body treatments that are next level like Turkish baths and saunas/cold dips? These are all focusing and bring you through mind-body experiences that could supplement your current work.

Answered over 7 years ago

David Favor

Fractional CTO

Wetware Hacking.

What you eat/drink/breath has a profound effect on consciousness.

Steer clear of the 3 Bs for a while + you may find entirely new vistas of consciousness available to you.

3 Bs... Beast + Booze + Bale...

Beast - Eating dead charred carcass or any other animal products.

Booze - Skip drinking alcohol + also master Food Combining. Most people eat in such a way as to internally generate copious amounts of alcohol. Food Combining can assist avoiding this situation.

Bale - Smoking weed is a fantastic way to reduce awareness. Avoid it + see what occurs for you.

Answered over 7 years ago

Andrea Blue

Educational/Business Consultant, Mentor, Speaker

I see that you are interested in sharing your self-awareness as it relates to podcasts.
I started using Zoom; which is free and it helps me work with clients either with video or just audio.
I can offer more information and answer additional questions by you following me on Clarity. My name is Andrea Blue.

Answered over 7 years ago