

Product Management

What are some good questions to ask digital product users in order to improve an app?

Product devs/managers: what are some good questions to ask users in order to improve digital products. Things like, "If you had a magic wand, what's one thing you'd change in the app to make it better." I'm curious to know if anyone has any questions they like to ask OR knows of a list/article somewhere with good questions to ask. Thanks!

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Amanda Wang

Product mkt fit, customer discovery & sales

How would you describe this app to a friend? Who would you recommend this app to? If the app wasn't working, what would you use instead? And observation! Just watching people use the app, you can see from their faces/hands which bit is working for them or not. Great to hone in those areas of delight and frustration and ask "you seem frustrated right now, is something not working for you" or the opposite? Do these rather than asking about a magic wand. I worked at the forefront of streaming video and consumers asked for everything and then once they got it, didn't use the features etc. You will find similar stories elsewhere. Share the resource if you find it. Thanks

Answered over 7 years ago