


We need mentoring in Technology area for building app like Live plan and Biz plan for sales professionals for their strategic account planning.

Hi ,We are building a digital sales enablement platform, what Live plan and Biz plan offer for startups we want to offer to sales people in B2B sales for their strategic accounts. We are in ideation to MVP stage and need mentoring from Technical Architect who have worked on simialr kind of app and can guide us on technology stack, dos and donts of going about building this kind of app. Below is concept video for your reference.

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Krunoslav Ris

I'm IT professional with 17+ years in business.

Hi, my name is Kruno, I was senior software Architect on a couple of projects all around the world. For what I got from your video it is obvious that it will be some kind of client-server architecture. My suggestion for the client side is Spring Boot + MongoDB + AngularJS (for building admin panel).
If you wish to include a mobile app, a suggestion is Ionic 3 (
I hope that I helped, let's talk for more...

Answered almost 6 years ago

Jeff Ski

Entrepreneur & Retired Marketing Mad Man™

Good Day Prabodh, I am Ski, a tech maven of over 30 years with hands-on roles in numerous roles including CEO, CTO, DBA, and developer for over 12 startups and a "recovering" consultant to organizations that include the State of Ohio, The Town of Hilton Head Island, SC, LexisNexis, and Goldratt Consulting.

If you have ever watched the movie, Moneyball, or know of the work of the late Dr. Eli Goldratt, then you understand that mastering constraints is the shortest path to the success you seek. Please do not spend money you don't have and must raise to reinvent the wheel.

Let's talk.

Answered almost 6 years ago