Contract Review
I need a contract written to give to small time investors
CTO & Scrum Master @ Oval Money
Hey! If you are US-based the cheaper and faster option is to use a service like, they provide little to none customization but it's good enough for anything before a series A. After that I strongly suggest to use an international law firm, I've had good experiences with Bird&Bird and Orrick
Answered about 6 years ago
Co-founded, invested in & consulted for startups.
The best source is by being referred by someone you trust.
If the people you trust can't directly refer you to a lawyer who can draft a contract to give to an investor, then they can refer you to someone who CAN refer you.
Writing a contract "to give to small time investors" could be a simple non-disclosure that is not meant to be enforceable, given to 2 investors potentially putting in less than $50,000 each, OR could be a full set of investment documents - private placement memoranda, subscription agreement, share purchase agreement, etc. given to 5 investors in order to invest $500,000 each (which would be considered 'small time' from the perspective of later stage VC's).
If its the former, its going to be inexpensive and almost any lawyer - and many non-lawyers - can do it.
If its the latter, its going to be expensive and you really want someone who is experienced and knowledgeable in this area FOR YOUR JURISDICTION.
Answered about 6 years ago
Brand Growth Pro, Project Management
The simple answer, if you are in the US, is a law firm that specializes in business law.
Answered about 6 years ago
Commercial Finance - Expert Packager
Hello - I would be happy to help you with that, I write contracts that stand-up and can PROVE it (with court documents) on a 7 figure case in which I was the Plaintiff there to defend my contract defended by a licensed attorney who took my case on contingency AND paid the filing fee's!
I offer decades of my own experience...
However, I am not an attorney - but have always had a necessity for them and an enjoyment reading/writing contracts!
Please feel free to contact me, if you feel I may be of assistance.
Answered about 6 years ago