Web Design
Clarity Expert
Mark O'Brien wrote a great easy read on this exact topic, it's called "A Website that Works" - http://www.newfangled.com/a_website_that_works
This is the philosophy that Newfangled is built upon, so let me know if you're ever interested in partnering with us for consulting or development. Good luck!
Answered over 11 years ago
Clarity Expert
I'd recommend a link not a book - http://goodui.org/
Answered over 11 years ago
Serial tech entrepreneur. Former CEO of vWorker.
Creating websites that get good business results is not easy and takes a lot of thought and effort. If it's done well, then it appears effortless. I recommend this book, as it helped me immeasurably in making RentACoder.com and vWorker.com highly profitable: "Don't make me think:"
Answered over 11 years ago
Concept Strategist at Plus Retail
I've read a great book about this subject. However, it's only available in Dutch... Still, I wanted to share it with the Dutch readers among us.
Verleiden op internet - Hoe maak je een website onweerstaanbaar?
Answered over 11 years ago