

Business Ideas

What are some of the best online marketplace opportunities in the fitness industry?

I have been thinking of starting an online marketplace in the fitness industry but have been trouble coming up with ideas. I have thought of p2p consulting, selling products and fitness classes around the world.

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Geoffrey Orandi

Excellent Aftersales service practitioner

Facebook groups especially those skewed towards health issues.

Answered about 5 years ago

David Sanchez

Operations expert, idea generator, marketing guru

Here are a few off the top off my head:

+Create an in-home workout program
+Add on a nutrition and lifestyle optimization upsell to it
+Create a customized, personalized at-home personal training program via Zoom
+Create an online workout course on a major course platform like Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, or Teachable.

If you need to refine these ideas more, we can talk. See my profile at

Answered almost 5 years ago