Users subscribe and depending on subscription tier, will be able to book x number of beauty services anywhere in a month. So I guess you could say its kinda like classpass but solely for beauty like spas, facials, mani/pedi. 1. Will the economics work out? 2. Do I also charge a flat fee or commission for beauty supplierss?
Chief Executive Officer at
There are plenty of similar videos on the internet that are free.
Examine the market and offer your service for free because if you want to make money you need a plan and a strategy.
What I can tell you from personal experience .subscribe is good source of income but only if you know do you have a good offer.i will be happy to speak with you request my professional consultation today. i have some ideas that are quite similar to yours so i would be happy to share my plan with you.
Answered almost 5 years ago
Mentor, Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Public Speaker
Interesting Idea.
1. Economics - need to do market validation / POC to check. In this case really shouldn't be hard to do (simple landing pages + some basic low budget marketing). Happy to explain more on a call.
2. Leaning more towards commissions, but your answer will come from the POC/validation (see point 1) - one landing page with commission based model, second landing page with flat fee.
Good luck
I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After scheduling a call, please send me some background information so that I can prepare in advance - thus giving you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the great reviews I’ve received:
Answered almost 5 years ago
Solving Business Problem : Startups
Yes! Very innovative way to cater business, please share your thoughts so that we can develop some base for a startup. One this is sure, it would be Great one.
Answered over 4 years ago