I have website and need to load this content from This primary domain change could affect SEO for or will search engine treat it as a standard brand new domain?
Co-Founder, Angel Investor
I went through this process with my blog, changing from, a 10+ year old website with plenty of domain name authority, to my own personal brand domain name -
We did everything by the book, carefully managing the 301 redirects, telling Google about the change, and despite all this my traffic dropped by about 50% after the change.
It did eventually climb back up about 25% more, but even now over a year later it's not back to where it was.
I think the answer is be careful and make sure you are planning to work on your SEO again after you make the domain name change.
Answered almost 5 years ago
My 19yrs of Exp. will resolve your work challenges
Moving domains can make a tremendously negative impact on search engine rankings. This is because the major search engines use metrics on both the domain level and the page level to determine rankings. When a webmaster decides to switch to a brand new domain, they are resetting their domain metrics to zero.
However if done careful, will save you from the impact.
I researched a blog for you. It might help you curtailing the impact.
Please feel free to connect with me through a call, if you need my further assistance.
Answered almost 5 years ago
Practicing & Coaching SEO since 2010
Hey! I help companies through SEO migrations like rebranding (moving to a new domain) and changing content location within an existing domain or sub-domain. The short answer is: yes, there will be a drop in rankings at the point of migration, but if everything is done properly, the ranking for pages on the new domain go back to where they were on the old one. The longer answer (with details and estimates) depends on a few things: 1) are you moving the entire domain or just a few pages? 2) how large is the site? 3) how authoritative is your old domain / new domain (age, existing external links)? 4) what's the niche of your site? Etc. Feel free to book a call if you'd like to discuss the details.
Answered almost 5 years ago
AI & MVP Expert
If you propose your domain web hosting transfer well it should now not affect your search engine optimization rank.
I would do a copy of a website on the brand new server, modify the robots.txt on a new server to cover the modern-day website online and avoid any duplication then do 301 redirect and eliminate the site from vintage server good enough Modify robots.txt
Few other factors to consider:
1) Location of the brand new server – Google keeps the track of the IP website online it's miles used as one of the ranking parameters so if you keep the new server placed in the same place as the previous one it will help.
2) Server speed – If the website is loading slower than 2 seconds on the brand new server then it will affect your search engine marketing, choose an optimized and regarded server.
3) When you make the shift make certain you don’t have a protracted downtime as it has an extensive effect on search engine optimization. Leave the server on the current server till the switch is entire and then it's going to absorb to 72 hours for DNS propagation to the whole. DNS propagation is a time body after making any changes to your domain name.
Answered almost 5 years ago
SEO and Digital Marketing for Startups / Ecommerce
You'll need to set up a proper 301 redirect across all pages on your site. If done correctly you shouldn't see too much of a negative impact on your site, if any.
Answered over 4 years ago