

Real Estate Investing

What do you suggest for direct mail if I'm seeking motivated homeowners with equity, to buy at a significant discount

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David Berman

Bootstrap Expert

1. Make sure you have a great list. By "great" I mean targeted to the specific demographic and psychographic profile of your market.
2. Make sure you have a great message and offer.
3. If you aren't a skilled copywriter - hire one. Consider your cost of client acquisition (and if you haven't calculated your cost of acquisition - you need to before you do ANY marketing) when deciding on how much you can afford.
4. Split test the mailing so you can find your control.
5. Measure everything.
Give me a call if I can help with more on the specifics.
And good luck!

Answered over 11 years ago

Ali Maadelat

President at The Lorenz Marketing Group

Just because someone is a good writer, doesn't mean they can sell you a car. Remember that.

Direct mail will make you a LOT of money if you do it right... and it will literally bankrupt you if you do it wrong. If you try to save money by not hiring a SOLID marketer for it, you will end up losing much more than you thought you saved.

There is too much that goes into the direct mail campaign to explain in a quick answer. If you want some solid advice, feel free to set up a call and we will see if we can get some times to work.

Talk soon.

Answered over 11 years ago

Rachel Hernandez

Real Estate Investor and Author

When using direct mail to seek motivated sellers, the key is to use a targeted list and to be consistent. Examples of targeted lists include: out-of-state owners, vacant property owners, landlords, foreclosures, probates, etc. Most sales are made on the follow-up which could take a couple of mailings. One takeaway is to be as personal as possible. Most people do not like to read marketing material that is not specifically catered to them. Hope that helps!

Answered almost 10 years ago