

Small Business

What is the best location for a Bar?

I will open a Bar, and I am not sure about the right location, what do you think that it is best? Downtown, or close to downtown?

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FELIX Olikagu

The Strategist, Creative Problem Solver and Mentor

It's important to know that the progress or success of any Bar business is to a larger extent dependent on your circle of friends, as they serve as influencers irrespective of location.

On the other way round, while locating a bar 🍺🍻, it important to consider accessibility, Class of people etc.

In summary, Bar is best located in not too open area that is accessible to all. The rest is customer satisfaction index ☝️

Answered almost 2 years ago

Jayden Rayne

Spiritual Life Coaching

Honestly, one of the best spots to open a bar is exactly where a bar used to be. I would do specs on the previous area though, make sure that they havent been out of business for too long and its important to see how long they were in business for. This piggy back effect brings you business from the start. (as long as the ending for the previous bar wasnt too unfortunate, - you will find yourself meeting the local regulars of that bar, curious to see what youve done with the place) Likewise; you might move closer to a popular bar so you receive the run off from people who dont want to wait when they are at peak hours.

Just some general ideas. Hope thats helpful :0

Answered over 1 year ago