Employment Law
My supervisor always talks to me heavy, offensive emails. is it harassment? Should I report to HR or employer? If they ignore me, what should I do?
The Strategist, Creative Problem Solver and Mentor
Well, I think 🤔 it would be proper to discuss the matter with your supervisor first if you have the courage, this is because He/She might not understand you are getting hurt. If that fails, report to your HR or employer, it should be a second line of action. Consider seeking help also from your trusted colleagues by discussing the situation with them for advice.
These are just of the things you can do. All step must be approached carefully, knowing that the whole situation may impact your career positively or negatively.
Remember, it's crucial to consult with professionals who can provide you with legal advice specific to your situation and jurisdiction. They will be able to guide you on the best course of action based on your unique circumstances.
Answered over 1 year ago
Chemist, Artist, Life expert
I have faced the same problem at my first job, first I ignored it but it got worse by time so I confronted her and told her that the work place should be a comfortable place for employees I cant give my best when I am being treated like this and to be honest it really helped she started respecting me and treating me better, so I guess you should talk to your supervisor !
Answered over 1 year ago