Software Engineering
I'm looking for someone with great business connections(VC) and proven leadership skills in business preferably in a IT online start-up and if they have an open source engineer background such as LAMP STACK then they are the kind of guy we want to start a conversation. They will join a team of two other engineers with a revolutionary idea with the potential to be acquired by a major company within the next two years. The idea is already built as a prototype it just needs to be scaled to handle traffic from major tech news sources. Let me know if you know someone that fits this description.
SaaS Business Coach, Investor, Founder of Clarity
I've always hired only ridiculously brilliant engineers and those that were either entrepreneurs or entrepreneurially minded (i.e. attended startup weekend, contributed to open source, blogged, etc).
The best way to find them is to go to the events they attend. Typically it's developer meetups, open source or programming language oriented conferences, etc.
To add a heightened filter, maybe only entrepreneurial oriented events like Business as Software, StartupSchool, or StartupDrinks.
Also, using to find companies that were once listed, but didn't raise or seem to have "Sunsetted" might be a good strategy.
The question I always ask myself when I'm about to do sourcing for talent, or marketing is:
1) Who do I want, or what are examples of those people in the real world?
2) What places do they go/hangout, tools do they use, news sources they read, etc?
Be strict with your filters and you should find some candidates... the hard part is convincing them that your project is more interesting then their current job/project/ideas/company/etc - cause these people typically have many options for work.
Answered about 11 years ago
Mentor, with Deep Understanding of Indian Market
Top Notch technologists might not focus on the business / fundraising part of things. You might do better splitting this across two different people.
Answered almost 11 years ago