


Erin Parker

Founder, Spitfire Athlete; iOS Engineer; National-Level Weightlifter


Lesson: App Prototyping with Erin Parker

Step #10 App Creation: Find the resources needed to build an app

It depends on if your app is on Android or on iOS. If you want to make an iOS app, you basically have to have a Mac and install Xcode. Xcode is free though, so once you install Xcode, there's a multitude of resources you can pursue to learn how to program. So all of you that have a Mac, download Xcode right now and just start playing around with it. You'll find that it's actually pretty easy to use the storyboard, drag an interface on there, put some buttons and texts on there and start putting something together. Xcode is free.

Text editors like Sublime Text or TextMate usually have a free trial period and then they cost money after a certain point. There are some free ones out there, though.

The cost for developing an iPhone app is $100 for your Apple Developer account, which is required if you want to run a build on your actual device or if you want to put your app in the App Store.

However, learning to code, assuming you have a Mac and Xcode downloaded, which is free. It's basically free for all the resources that you can find online, of which there are many. If you wanted to get a book, The Big Nerd Ranch book, which I highly recommend. I forgot how much it costs, but $20. Something like that.
