I frequently feel like I'm not qualified for the different tasks I'm responsible for managing/accomplishing. On one end, I understand that doing things new involves uncertainty. However, I personally find it very difficult to forgive myself for errors that are made as a result of the learning process. There's often a lot riding on the decisions I make and the actions I take so it can be really difficult to shrug a mistake off when the repercussions can be so significant.
Maybe I'm alone in this but feeling like a fraud involves more than just uncertainty. There's a fine line between manifesting destiny and being completely full of shit and it can be hard to determine which side you're on at times. This particular aspect of feeling like a fraud is probably one of the things I hate most about being a founder.
I frequently feel like I'm not qualified for the different tasks I'm responsible for managing/accomplishing. On one end, I understand that doing things new involves uncertainty. However, I personally find it very difficult to forgive myself for errors that are made as a result of the learning process. There's often a lot riding on the decisions I make and the actions I take so it can be really difficult to shrug a mistake off when the repercussions can be so significant.
Maybe I'm alone in this but feeling like a fraud involves more than just uncertainty. There's a fine line between manifesting destiny and being completely full of shit and it can be hard to determine which side you're on at times. This particular aspect of feeling like a fraud is probably one of the things I hate most about being a founder.
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