Steve Wilks

Thank you Will. The effort you put into writing this was not wasted.

I'm three years into my 'start up'. We're doing pretty well - or at least people close to us tell us that we're doing well.

But I too struggle with anxiety. I'd guess that three days out of five I have times when I feel slightly sick, because it feels like nothing happens quickly enough. I've begun to come to terms with the fact that this is just the reality,

But hugely helpful to know that other founders go through the same thing. And the idea of plotting out the worst case scenarios to put them in context is really useful.

Will I succeed in 'making it'? Who knows. Time will tell. But I do know that I am literally doing the best job I can, a lot of the time. And I can't realistically expect more of myself than that. Breathe deeply, accept that it isn't about feeling wonderful all of the time, and keep moving forwards. Even when it feels rubbish!

Thanks Will

Reply5 years ago

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Subject: How I Harness My Insane Startup Anxiety
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