Margaret Mannion

Hey Ed! I think this idea has legs but can also see some pitfalls. First one being, "will our users trust an expert more than they trust ChatGPT?" ChatGPT can be wrong but is backed by the collective wisdom of the internet so is pretty accurate.  Experts can also be fallible. Will you be able to attract the caliber of experts needed where people will truly trust them? How expensive will this be?

Another item to consider is  defensibility and innovation. As Open AI continues to evolve Chat GPT it's likely to become more and more accurate. Will there still be a need for expert support once this happens?

i could see this as a lead gen opportunity for experts. E.g if I need advice on a legal matter. I can use Chat GPT to get an outline of considerations and then referred to a lawyer who can talk me through the matter. Presumably the lawyer would pay you a referral fee.

Reply2 years ago

1 Replies

Subject: Help! Would you use a service that checked ChatGPT's advice with live experts?
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