
When an artist decides to create a painting, he does not have to consult anyone about it or convince anyone to follow his vision. When building a business we need to convince others that our vision will meet someone's need if we can just build it. Then we need to convince them that we know how to build it.

As we start down that road and things are not at all what we expected, we still have to convince everyone traveling with us that it will be ok. That conviction is partly based on self-confidence and partly on faith in our solution. They both fade at different rates. Somewhere in the timeline self-doubt will start eroding both.
I personally back and focus on three things.

  1. What have I gotten right? This reminds you that you are in the game. While no one bats 1000 you have hit a few more balls and scored a few more runs in this particular game than everyone in the stands combined.

  2. Who is with me? I find myself humbled by those who pick up the torch when I am stumbling. Those weird moments when I am out of ideas and the phone rings and the next step, path, or opportunity reveals itself.

  3. What are my critics saying? Sun Tzu said your critics will tell you where your weaknesses are. So I listen to critical comments and adjust if I agree with them. I consider them a blessing, not a hurtful curse. If you were in a competition and the guy next to you starts to mock you saying "Look at that guy! If he would just tuck his elbows in he would win! What an idiot!"
    Would you cry that he hurt your feelings or tuck your elbows in?

Being a fraud is only possible if you lie to yourself. That includes telling yourself you are a fraud. You are in the game!! Play it and be proud that you are out there!

Reply5 years ago

Subject: Am I a Fraud?
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