Holden Forrest

Thank you, Wil, for another great article. You've nailed the Founders mindset; most of us are not one-shot wonders- no, we are serial entrepreneurs. It doesn't matter if the last exit was good, bad, or ugly- the creative juices are always flowing. And if you think you've found the next brilliant innovation to help mankind, then your Holy Mission begins all over again to somehow turn dreams to reality. I agree with everything in the article, but I only wish I could figure out how to implement that last part about taking a vacation! My most recent venture has taken nearly 4 years of 24/7 maniacal intensity and commitment. I'm concerned that even taking a weekend off and I'll lose my edge lol. Maybe I'll take a break this afternoon and smoke a cigar in a park somewhere. You know, baby steps...

Reply2 years ago

Subject: We Can't Stay Out Of The Game For Too Long
Attachment: Article #cll2j7s877lre0biuqtqzcrfy